Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Afternoon

I have just started studying for my test at Biblical School tomorrow night.  I have a "test studying" book, it is a booklet of blank index cards, spiral bound, with perforations so that the cards may be removed if you like.

In it are my notes from a presentation by Scott Hahn I attended almost a year ago.  I thought I would read them, and there were so many things written there that were so meaningful - I wish I could remember these things, but I just forget!  One of the notes was so astounding, I thought I would share it here:

We don't break the law - the law stays in tact - we break ourselves against the law.

We are the ones who get broken when we try to go against the law of God.  Oh, how true this has been in my life!

Now I must get back to my books....


  1. Thanks for sharing that Mary Christine, it is certainly true. I had not heard that before but I will keep it for future reference, for sure. Good luck with your test tomorrow. Please say a prayer for me as I will be starting my new job tomorrow. I will say a prayer for you as well to have a successful test.

  2. I will be happy to say a prayer for you at mass tomorrow.

  3. Good luck with your exam. I'm sure you'll do great.

    Scott Hahn is an absolute genius. I have bought several of his lectures over at Lighthouse Catholic Media. Right now, and I saw this last night and I don't know how long it will last, they are giving away a free download of Dr. Hahn's lecture on the biblical origins of the sacrement of confession. Follow this link if you want the free download:
