Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snowy Cold January Night

Those are Christmas lights on my deck, glowing through the snow tonight.  It loses a lot in translation - it looks great in person.

I was reading our local Catholic newspaper tonight.  In it there was an article by our wonderful Archbishop, Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M CAP. about Judge John Roll.  He quoted one of his own homilies and I would like to quote it too:

"We're citizens of heaven first.  Our time here is limited.  This life passes.  Eternity is forever.  We need to act in this world accordingly, with lives of Christian service to the poor and afflicted -- including the unborn child, the immigrant, the homeless and the elderly.  The more authentically Catholic we are in our lives, our choices, our actions and our convictions, the more truly we will contribute to the moral and political life of our nation."

My mind is on eternity, and I realize how far I have to go.  God please help me to grow towards you.


  1. I love your photographs.

    Archbishop Chaput is right - we are citizens of Heaven first. Sometimes I think we get it backwards in this country, particularly those polticians who check their faith at the door for the sake of getting votes.
