Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hard Labor

I took 2 days of vacation in the middle of this week so that I could work on my yard (garden for those of you from across the sea).  I purchased a new wheelbarrow for the occasion!  The wheelbarrow is now covered with filth, I am recently bathed with wet hair, and I am sore and tired.  I need to make some admissions and some concessions to my age - and I believe that in the future I am either going to have to hire someone to help me, beg my kids to help, move to a condo, or stop training for a marathon every summer so that I actually have some energy with which to do this.  I know for most people the last item would make the most sense, but it doesn't to me.  But I am going to have to do something different. 

This afternoon, I get to go to Adoration and Mass.  One of the local churches has added a 5:45 on Weds. Mass during lent.  I wish more churches would have Masses that working people could get to.  

I think I am too tired to be very spiritual right now, so I think I shall take a nap.  

Have a lovely day.


  1. Spring is always a tough time, back to the garden and lots of work. Hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. You'll have to give us some before and after shots. Even with your cold weather you should be able to grow potatoes, broccoli, cabbages, beans, lots of nice flowers too.

  2. I would love to go to some of the daily masses if it were convenient with my work schedule. Why don't they think of that?

    I'm taking Thursday and Friday off myself to do some yard work. At least I get to sleep late.

  3. Kathy, I live in suburbia, not much room for any veggies. I grew some cherry tomatoes in a pot last year... didn't get too many tomatoes for my effort.

    I agree Manny, I wish there were a few Masses around here that were not at 8:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. Like why not AFTER work hours? I don't think retirees are the only people who would like to go to daily Mass.

  4. Is that a pink wheelbarrow or do I need change my PC monitor :)
    I have also been attacking my garden over the last 6 weeks, spring comes earlier in England then Colorado. The issue I always have is where and how to dump the garden waste. I end up transporting the debris in my car to our local recycle place. I would love to give a spiritual insight on this experience but I too am tired to even try!
    I love the term yard, in England it normally means a concrete patch in the rear garden, as children we always played on the yard. The garden only became a play area when the ground was dry (mainly summer). We lived in Southern California for eight years and I never worked on the yard once as it was customary to hire people to do this - I like that custom.

  5. Paul, The wheelbarrow is an orange-ish red.

  6. Wish I had a yard, a garden or any other patch of land to mow, weed, plant and fuss over! I do plant little things out on our back patio (of the postage stamp variety)sometimes in container, or in a narrow raised bed on one side. This year I plant to put flowers in and old ceramic planter on our front porch. If they are vandalized you all will be able to hear my screams, Colorado, New York AND England. I am so ready to move out of the city.
